Finding You Programs

Therapeutic Intensives

Finding You Coaching

Finding You Therapy Programs

Finding You Therapy Intensives and Coaching help individuals discover themselves as they thoughtfully explore their unique history and its impact on current relationships. Whether it is parenting, coupleship or any other relationship, the question of Who am I?  must first be addressed. The quality of our relationships begins with developing a more complete self.

Our team works with families, parents, couples, professionals, and individuals who seek to shed light on how we relate to each other. This vision asks participants to concentrate their focus to a deep understanding of the self we developed in our childhood context. With this enlightenment, we move towards clarity, away from the confusion that comes from shame and fear. As we become more clear about our own issues, we will be able to make a healthy connection to others.

Dr. Reedy's Podcast

Finding You: A Podcast by Brad Reedy offers parents and other family members the tools, insight, and support they need to navigate life’s challenges. Dr. Reedy offers a new way of thinking about what it means to take care of your own mental health and to support others. Listen, subscribe and share these valuable resources with others.

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